
Auledge Team
2 min readJan 17, 2022

Imagine a life without YouTube. You’d be stuck watching TV or movies on Netflix produced by several major programs and studios. No matter how hard they try, these formal avenues just wouldn’t be able to fill in the creative void typically occupied by millions of smaller, everyday creators.

In the podcasting industry, existing platforms like Spotify are similar to TV and Netflix; they prioritize a select few production-grade podcasts. Unfortunately, by design, millions of potentially fascinating everyday podcasts are left to sink in an ocean of undiscovered content.

As observers, we set out to create a new podcasting platform called Auledge that is dedicated to everyday creators and listeners looking for more content diversity. In order to level the playing-field and cater to shorter attention-spans, we commit to three value propositions:

  1. Bite-sized: All audios are capped at 15-minutes. We know that creating a podcast feels like a big commitment for most people, and it is especially daunting in the face of production-grade content that can drone on for hours. Accordingly, we’ve lowered the duration expectation with the hope of getting more everyday creators involved in a less-intimidating production experience.
  2. Effortless: Tooling comes out of the box. We’ve heard many creators struggle to record and edit content and believe that production should be accessible and easy for everyone. With Auledge, your smartphone becomes a full-fledged production studio equipped with recording, noise-removal, trimming functionalities, and more. We hope this levels the playing-field and makes the production process thrilling to everyone.
  3. Discoverable: All audios are given a chance to go viral. Everyday creators struggle to get their podcasts discovered on existing platforms which heavily-prioritize already-popular podcasts; consequently, listeners are left listening to the same popular podcasts over and over. Recognizing this, we’ve done our best to implement algorithms that provide more equal content discovery opportunities whilst catering to individual preferences.

That said, we sincerely hope that Auledge can be an inclusive platform equipped with the features necessary to make podcasting easier for everyday creators and expose listeners to more diverse content. Podcasting should be a thrilling, open experience for everyone and we’re here to deliver on that.

If you haven’t already, sign up for the early access; we’re super excited to let you in!

Onward and upward,

Auledge Team



Auledge Team

Auledge is a new short-form podcasting app built at Cornell University.